
Our Services

Student Training

We provide our students skills beyond fighting fire, besides increasing depth of knowledge. PRISTINE is dedicated to impart training to the aspiring students to save life, save material and property by preventing incident of fire. It also provides assistance for aspiring students by our unique Placement Cell in different MNCs.

Corporate Training

PRISTINE’s Corporate Training has its own expert trainers’ team by which training will be given. The moto of our training is to aware the Management as well as employees towards fire and safety incidents. Our training kit covers vital elements such as hazard recognition ,response ,preventive measures and their escape plans.

Installation / Design:

PRISTINE undertakes/executes project works concerning design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning of fire detection and fire protection, gas and water mist system, sprinkler system etc in a new Residential Building, High Rise Building, Industrial Tunnels, Warehouses, Dockyard etc.

Annual MaintenanceContract(A.M.C):

PRISTINE undertakes/executes Annual Maintenance Contract for maintenance of industry-specific fire detection and fire protection system, gas and water mist system, sprinkler system etc in various industries like New Residential Building, High Rise Building, Industrial Tunnels, Warehouses, Dockyard etc.


PRISTINE provides industry-specific consultation as per industry standards.